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Socket Streams Library File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
address.h [code]User-friendly access to address classes
address_exception.h [code]Contains the resolver exception class
address_factory.h [code]Contains the address class
basic_iosocketstream.h [code]Contains the iosocketstream template
basic_isocketstream.h [code]Contains the isocketstream template
basic_osocketstream.h [code]Contains the osocketstream template
basic_socket.h [code]Contains the socket class
basic_socketbuf.h [code]Contains the socketbuf template
basic_socketstream_listener.h [code]Contains the listener template
basic_socketstream_pair.h [code]Contains the pair template
byte.h [code]The byte "character" class
config.h [code]
exception.h [code]User-friendly access to exception classes
inet6_factory.h [code]Contains the IPv6 address class
inet_factory.h [code]Contains the IPv4 address class
iostream.h [code]User-friendly access to socketstream classes
listener.h [code]User-friendly access to the listener class
local_factory.h [code]Contains the Local address class
resolver.h [code]The name resolver class
socket.h [code]User-friendly access to basic_socket class
socket_exception.h [code]Contains the socket exception class
socketbuf.h [code]User-friendly access to basic_socketbut template class
sockets_base.h [code]Contains the sockets_base class
sockets_exception.h [code]Contains the exception class
stream_option.h [code]Contains the stream option class

Generated on Sat May 21 21:25:32 2005 for Socket Streams Library by  doxygen 1.4.3